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What is colloidal silver?
A solution of water containing nanometer sized particles of suspended silver. The total silver content is expressed as milligrams of silver per liter (mg/L) of water which is numerically the same as parts per million (ppm). The total silver content is divided into two forms of silver; ionic silver and silver particles. Ionic silver solutions are products whose silver content is predominantly in the form of silver ions.
True silver colloids are products that do not contain any protein or other additives and whose silver content is predominantly in the form of nanometer sized silver particles.
Colloidal silver cures MRSA infections, purifies water, destroys candida and fights the flu. Till today there are more than 650 applications (illnesses/infections), where colloidal silver is effectively and safely applied. Please see a partial list at the spanish and/or german explanation above. It is becoming an ever increasing role worldwide, as antibiotics are turning many times absolete and useless in medicine, because the population is getting resistant to them. Then "Colloidal Silver" is the ONLY ONE left preparation.
It helps also to detoxicate the body from various poisinous metals, like MERCURY. The body does like Silver, but no Mercury. For gods sake, Silver likes Mercury. They unite and are leaving the body through normal digestion.
The element silver has long been recognized as a precious metal of significant value. In fact, prior to the early '60s, silver was used to make quarters and dimes because it held its value in weight. Silver is also utilized in a variety of industrial uses including imaging and photography, electronics, water purification, as well as various catalytic uses. It is a highly conductive metal that does not corrode so it works effectively in various chemical processes. Many people, however, remain unaware of the health-promoting benefits of silver.
In the early days of human civilization, it was discovered that silver helped keep things like water, milk, and vinegar pure for long periods of time. Since there was no refrigeration at the time, silver vessels were often used to preserve various foods and drinks during travel. One of the primary reasons why many ancient civilizations used silver eating utensils was due to the fact that silver prevented the growth of disease-causing pathogens. Silver's preservative, medical, germicidal, and antibacterial uses can be traced as far back as during the ancient Greek and Roman empires.
More than 90 years ago doctors and health practitioners discovered the life-saving, disinfectant and germicidal properties in colloidal silver. Anecdotal evidence has confirmed its efficacy as a natural antibiotic, anti-viral and anti-fungal agent.
Colloidal silver is made by suspending microscopic particles of silver in liquid. Silver has been used for hundreds of years not only medicinally, but as a preservative to keep water and milk fresh because it prevents the growth of algae, bacteria and other unwanted organisms. Colloidal silver was used extensively as a natural antibiotic until the 1940s when the advent of "modern" antibiotics became popular.
Possibly one of the most important medical roles for colloidal silver is it's ability to destroy deadly pathogens like methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA the flesh-eating super bug. The MRSA cure was discovered during research in the 1970s at Syracuse University by Robert O. Becker. During his several tests all the organisms tested were eliminated by the silver, including ones that were resistant to known antibiotics.
The FDA discredited his findings and forced him to close his laboratory. A 1988 laboratory test at the UCLA School of Medicine verified that bacteria, viruses, and fungal organisms are killed within minutes of being exposed to colloidal silver solutions.
Western Medicine Discovers Silver
It wasn't until the late 1800s that western science began to rediscover the ancient truths about silver. One of the early documented uses of silver as a bactericide was in 1884 by a German obstetrician named Carl Crede. He effectively administered a 1% silver nitrate solution into the eyes of newborn infants in order to prevent the incidence of gonococcal opthalmia, a disease that causes blindness in newborns. Prior to the introduction of modern antibiotics, silver was used widely in hospitals and by doctors to combat infection and to dress wounds.
As scientific understanding progressed, silver compounds and colloids were developed and became widely used medicinally to treat all sorts of infectious diseases. In fact, by 1940, there were roughly four dozen different silver compound products on the market to treat every known infectious disease, available orally, topically, or by injection. It was generally recognized not only as safe when properly prepared, but tremendously effective.
Are machines available that can make 'true colloids' at home?
No. All colloidal silver generator on the market produce ionic silver. There is no equipment for sale by any manufacturer that will produce 'true colloidal silver' consisting of mostly silver nanoparticles.
Determining True Silver Colloids
Because of the high concentration of silver particles, true silver colloids are never clear like water. True colloidal silver with a sufficient concentration of particles does not look like water because silver particles -- even very small particles -- block light from passing through, making the liquid appear darker.
True colloidal silver products are the least prevalent type of colloidal silver on the market due to high degree of manufacturing complexity and the resulting high cost of production.
In true colloidal silver, the majority of the silver content is in the form of silver particles. True colloids will typically contain more than 50% particles (often 50 – 80%), while the balance (20% to 49%) will be silver ions. When referring to colloidal silver, the word colloid means silver particles.
The two critical factors to look for in determining true colloids are the percentage of silver particles and the particle surface area.
Due to the very low concentration of ionic silver and small particle size, true silver colloids do not cause argyria. A condition that causes the skin to turn blue-gray.
Ionic Silver Solutions
The vast majority of products labeled and sold as colloidal silver fall into this category due to the low degree of manufacturing complexity and resulting low cost of production. The silver content in these products consists of both silver ions and silver particles. Typically, 90% of the silver content is in the form of ionic silver and the remaining 10% of the silver content is in the form of silver particles. The silver ions are produced by electrolysis and may be described as “dissolved silver”. Products produced by electrolysis are frequently described as "electro colloids". Because the majority of the silver content in these products is dissolved silver rather than metallic silver particles, it would be more technically accurate to describe these products as silver solutions.
Confusingly, ads for these products frequently claim that silver ions are small silver particles or describe the product as consisting of ionic silver particles. Silver ions are not the same as silver particles and the two terms are not interchangeable. Ionic silver is also referred to as monatomic silver and silver hydrosol by some producers who choose not to describe their products using the scientifically correct terminology. These are marketing terms used to hide the truth that what is being sold is an ionic silver solution.
How To see If A Product Is Mostly Ionic Silver
Silver solutions are typically clear like water or have a slight yellow tint. These products are clear because silver that is dissolved in water looks just like sugar or salt that is dissolved in water; it has no visible appearance. The producers of ionic silver solutions will suggest that colloidal silver should look like clear water, but this is incorrect.
Companies that sell ionic silver claim that their product is "true colloidal silver" in an attempt to confuse the buyer. Do not be fooled. If the product is clear, then it is ionic silver, not a true silver colloid. Colloidal particles, when present in sufficient concentration, absorb visible light causing the colloid to exhibit an "apparent color". The apparent color is the complement of the absorbed wavelength. Silver ions do not absorb visible light and therefore appear as clear colorless liquids.
Many producers of ionic silver recommend that the product be stored only in glass containers. Some specify only amber or cobalt glass bottles because their products are photosensitive and deteriorate when exposed to light. True colloids do not have these issues.
Topical antiseptic and antifungal
Colloidal silver makes an excellent topical application for scrapes, wounds, cuts and sores, acting as an antiseptic to destroy bacteria. In addition, clinical evidence points to its efficacy in eradicating vaginal yeast fungal infections with topical applications and douching.
The International Space station and Russian space station Mir used colloidal silver as a disinfectant to purify water. The World Health Organization (WHO) lists colloidal silver as being effective for disinfecting.
One of the oldest and well-known german natural supplement suppliers, which also produces and offers "true colloidal silver of 500ppm and 1100ppm" is FAIRVITAL (www.fairvital.com). You can order the product with a Preferential Code offering an initial DISCOUNT. The preference code is: 952244 and has to be indicated at calling for an order or at ordering via web order page.
Direct link to product page and product description for 500ppm concentration: